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      Brad Pitt showed his aplomb when I met him at a book party. I was introducing myself when he said, “I know you. You’re the guy who made me move.” He explained that when he was in town shooting “The Devil’s Own,” he’d rented an apartment in the West Village. “You put my address in the paper. Z-100 read it on the radio. I had guys ringing my buzzer all night, saying ‘Yo, Brad, come down and party with us.’”--2021-05-02 20:48:31

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      Kingway Brewery said it will distribute a specialdividend of HK$1 per share after completing the sale of breweryassets. It said trading in the stock, suspended on Mondaymorning, will resume in the afternoon.--2021-05-02 19:58:24

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      We believe the increase is partly due to banks reclassifying some refinanced transactions as non-performing after the Bank of Spain required them to re-analyse these. This review is required to be completed by the end of this month and is therefore likely to contribute to a further increase in NPLs. In addition, the amount of support banks provide to structured finance transactions will continue to fall, which may also push up NPLs and the number of modified loans within structured finance transactions. We currently estimate loan modifications to account for 6% in number terms of the RMBS portfolios we rate, and see arrears over 90 days inclusive of defaults at 5.4% as of Q213 compared with 4.2% in Q212.--2021-05-02 19:08:41

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