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      Connie Lanyon-Robert enjoys a "World Famous" Frito pie sold at Santa Fe's Five & Dime General Store's snack bar in Santa Fe, N.M. The tourist attraction and a mainstay in the city's historic plaza was recently insulted by food critic Anthony Bourdain on an episode of CNN's "Parts Unknown."--2021-05-03 00:09:20

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      We’ll see about all of that. But just the thought of a Nets parade is real because of the guy who was conspicuously absent on Wednesday in the West Village. Prokhorov spent like no other NBA owner has ever spent in an offseason. Of course he wasn’t totally forgotten, certainly not when it was Bruce Ratner’s turn to say a few words, which included a big thanks to Prokhorov. “You built a team that I never could have built — a championship team,” Ratner said. “I tried. You successfully have done it.”--2021-05-02 23:19:44

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